Boosting Common Sense Decision-Making in Your Organization

Boosting Common Sense Decision-Making in Your Organization

Improve Problem-Solving, Information Gathering, and Understanding Intent.

Introduction: The Need for Common Sense

Business leaders often question why employees or direct reports don’t use common sense in decision-making. To help people make better decisions, we must delve into three crucial areas: solving the right problem, gathering all the available information, and understanding the intent.

  1. Solving the Right Problem: The Art of Asking the Right Questions

To prevent solving the wrong problem, make sure to:

1.1 Define the problem yourself

  • Don’t rely on someone else’s definition of the problem.
  • Encourage team members to clarify their understanding of the issue.

1.2 Stay close to the problem

  • Engage with those who have firsthand experience of the problem.
  • Encourage open communication and feedback channels.

1.3 Think about the problem from multiple perspectives

  • Foster a culture of collaboration and diverse thinking.
  • Utilize brainstorming sessions and workshops to explore various angles.
  1. Having all the Available Information: Observing, Orienting, and Analyzing

To gather all available information, consider the following:

2.1 Move the decision-making to the information source

  • Empower frontline employees to make decisions.
  • Implement a decentralized decision-making structure.

2.2 Observe and orient using John Boyd’s OODA loop concept

2.2.1 Observe

  • Continuously gather information to build a comprehensive picture.
  • Encourage team members to ask questions to understand the issue better.
  • Filter out the irrelevant “noise” to focus on critical data.

2.2.2 Orient

  • Foster a culture of self-awareness and understanding of cognitive biases.
  • Provide training and development opportunities to improve analytical skills.
  • Encourage employees to develop mental models that help replace biases and assumptions.
  1. Knowing the “Intent”: Moving Beyond Rules to Foster a Purpose-Driven Culture

Rather than relying on specific rules, understanding the intent behind decisions promotes a broader understanding that helps employees make decisions aligned with the organization’s goals.

3.1 Establish clear organizational values and goals

  • Communicate the company’s mission, vision, and values consistently.
  • Develop a shared understanding of the organization’s strategic direction.

3.2 Promote a culture of trust and empowerment

  • Encourage employees to take ownership of their decisions.
  • Provide support and guidance while allowing for autonomy.

3.3 Develop guidelines and frameworks for decision-making

  • Create decision-making frameworks that emphasize the organization’s intent and values.
  • Offer tools and resources that help employees navigate complex decisions.

Conclusion: Achieving Organizational Clarity and Empowering Decision-Making

Ask yourself these questions to determine if your team is making common-sense decisions:

  • Are they solving the right problem?
  • Do they have all the available information?
  • Do they know the intent, and is there organizational clarity?

If you find something missing in these areas, address it and empower your team to make better decisions. Embrace a culture of collaboration, open communication, and trust, and watch your organization’s decision-making processes improve.

Copyright (c) 2021, Marc A. Borrelli

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Built to Last? Hopefully Not.

Built to Last? Hopefully Not.

The picture above is of the bridge over the Choluteca River. Honduras, known for its extreme weather, namely hurricanes, commissioned the bridge in 1996 to withstand any storms. A Japanese company competed the bridge in 1998 when Hurricane Mitch tore through the country. Mitch dropped 74 inches of rain, killing 7,000 people, leaving 1.5 million homeless, and causing $2bn of damage. Also Mitch damaged or destroyed nearly all the bridges, but the new Choluteca Bridge survived with minor damage.. Thus it met its requirement, it withstood the worst storms. However, with deluge from Mitch the roads on either end of the bridge had completely vanished, leaving no visible trace of their prior existence. Also, the Choluteca River, which is over 100 metres (300 ft) at the bridge, had carved itself a new channel. It no longer flowed beneath the bridge, which now spanned dry ground.

Roads have since been reconnected to the bridge; however, the moral of the story is that things should not be “built to last,” but “built to adapt.” As I have mentioned before, most people get Darwin evolution wrong when they use the term “Survival of the fittest.” In Darwinian terms, fittest refers to biological reproduction, so what Darwin meant was “Survival of the form that will leave the most copies of itself in successive generations.”

Well, COVID has once more shaken our core processes and what “got us to here, is not going to get us to there.” To survive we have to adapt and change what we do. Due to the failure to understand that this is public health crisis first and foremost, and until we deal with that the rest cannot be fixed, I expect we will be living in a COVID environment for at least another year. So new methods and models have to determined for survival.

In one of my Vistage group meetings this week we shared how we had adapted to the COVID world doing things that we had never considered before. Some of the wonderful new practices were:

  • Enabling piece production to be done at home by providing the employees with the materials and tools and paying the by the piece rather than hourly. The company then did full QA on all pieces when they were picked up. The company found that production levels rose slightly. Employee satisfaction rose too, as people were able to work at home and deal with kids who cannot go to school.
  • Entering new markets to provide COVID related solutions and then expanding within those market to offer more services. These new markets are providing sufficient revenue to make up for those markets damaged by COVID.
  • Training and recruiting people in areas that the company expects will be active soon as a result of COVID. Building a bench of talent to meet new demand.
  • Having weekly video calls with the entire global team where each week one person presents on their passion project within the organization. These calls have lead to great connectivity between employees and departments. Employees now have a better understanding of the challenges faced in other departments, and people are contributing to other’s passion projects across deparments.
  • Restructuring the sales department as the existing sales team was struggling to prospect in the virtual world. Have younger more tech savvy people doing business development work and connecting with prospects. Once the connection is made these relationships are handed over to old sales team.

The above is why Vistage groups are so wonderful! The sharing of ideas that work and those that don’t help everyone.

So what are you doing? Are you waiting for the return to a pre COVID world, aka Waiting for Godot, or are you being proactive to find new ways to drive sales, production, product development and improve internal processes? As a leader, you need to lead the way for your organization so that you will around and relevant in a year. It is hard during times like this, but that is why you are the leader. If you need help, join a Vistage group, help is there.

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Can’t Solve a Problem, Maybe Its The Wrong Problem

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Often we have a problem we are trying to solve. In our life, at work, in design, product, or solution. However, if you are struggling, you are probably trying to answer the wrong question. Dr. Paul MacCready, one of the best mechanical engineers of the 20th century, said it, “The problem is we don’t understand the problem.” Inversion is an excellent tool because it exposes errors and problems that are not immediately obvious. What if the opposite is true? What if I focus on the reverse of this situation? Instead of seeking how to do something, ask what the opposite is and who do I ensure that I don’t do that. The stoics visualized the worst of all situations, i.e., death so that they would appreciate life. Groundbreaking artists invert the status quo to succeed. Effective leaders ask, “What stops us succeeding” as much as they chase the skills that accelerate it.

More often, we should try Inversion. Inversion is a crucial skill that nearly all great thinkers use to their advantage. Carl Jacobi, the German mathematician, who was known for his ability to solve hard problems by following a strategy of man “Man muss immer umkehren” or, “invert, always invert.” Jacobi believed that to clarify, your thinking was to restate the problem in inverse form. He found that if he wrote down the opposite of the problem, he was trying to solve the solution came to him more easily.

Charlie Munger took Jacobi’s lesson and introduced it to value investors. When deciding on the purchase of a stock is to estimate intrinsic value in the long run, we typically ask the following questions:

  1. How much will I make?
  2. How long will it take, or what are the growth drivers are there?
  3. What is the stock worth, or what is a fair discount rate?
  4. What is the future growth rate?

All these questions are forward-looking, and if the prospects are there, we are about to dive in. However, Jacobi and Munger would invert the problem. What is the inverted question? Well, if the problem is, “How much money I can make?” the inversion is “How do not lose money?” Or, as Warren Buffett says, “Rule No 1: Never Lose Money. Rule No. 2: Never Forget Rule 1.” Thus if we look to questions about how to prevent losing money instead of making money, our four items above become:

  1. How can I make money?
  2. How much is the stock worth?
  3. What can go wrong?
  4. What is the market-implied discount rate?
  5. What is the market-implied growth rate?

By focusing on the inverted questions, we get a better idea if this is a good stock. Listening to a recent interview with Steven Schwarzman, CEO of The Blackstone Group, he has applied Munger’s approach to investing. The concept of inversion is applicable across many areas.

In 1959 Henry Kremer, a British industry magnate, left a haunting question: “Can an airplane fly powered only by the pilot’s body power?” Kremer believed it was possible, so he offered the Kremer prize – £50,000 ($1.3 million today) to the first person to build a human-powered plane that could fly a figure eight around two markers one half-mile apart. Furthermore, he offered an additional £100,000 ($2.5 million today) for the first person to fly a human-powered plane across the English Channel. Kremer effectively offered the first X-Prize.

Over twenty years, dozens of teams tried and failed to build an airplane that could meet the requirements. It looked impossible. However, MacCready decided to try and win the prize. As he looked at the problem, why the existing solutions failed, and how teams iterated their planes, he came to the startling realization that people were solving the wrong question. “The problem is,” he said, “that we don’t understand the problem.”
MacCready’s insight was that everyone would spend over a year building an airplane on conjecture and theory without the grounding of empirical tests. With much fanfare, they would wheel it out for a test flight, and minutes later, a year’s worth of work would smash into the ground. Even successful flights ended in a couple of meters, with the pilot physically exhausted. With a new single data point, the team would work for another year to rebuild, retest, relearn. Resulting progress was slow, but everyone accepted that it was just how it was.

The problem was the problem. If he inverted the problem, Paul realized that the problem was not succeeding at human-powered flight, as that was a red-herring. The issue was minimizing the time not flying due to failure. He came up with a new problem: can you build a plane that could be fixed and flying again in hours, not months. Making a plane with Mylar, aluminum tubing, and wire, Paul succeeded.

The first airplane didn’t work. It was too flimsy. But, because the problem Paul set out to solve was creating a plane he could fix in hours, Paul was able to iterate quickly. Flying three or four different planes in a single day, the rebuild, retest, relearn cycle went from months and years to hours and days.

Paul MacCready got involved eighteen years following the challenge and changed the understanding of the problem to be solved. Within half a year, MacCready’s Gossamer Condor flew 2,172 meters to win the prize. Just over a year later, the Gossamer Albatross successfully crossed the Channel.

What’s the take-away? When you are solving a difficult problem, re-ask the question. To quote Jacobi again, “invert, always invert.” If the issue you are trying to solve involves creating a magnum opus, you are answering the wrong problem.

A Vistage Group is a great way to have a Peer group challenge you to look at the problem from a different perspective. In our issue processing process, after asking questions and before getting input from the members, we always check, “Is the problem asked the actual problem faced?”


© 2019 Marc Borrelli All Rights Reserved

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