Your Business needs to be Sell Ready, all the time!

Your Business needs to be Sell Ready, all the time!

I believe that being “Sell Ready” is the only way for business owners to maximize value on exit, and all companies need to be “Sell Ready” even if their owners don’t intend to sell because life is Uncertain.

  • There is a common belief that we control our lives and destiny; however, if we are objective, we can see that luck is an important determinant, and life is Uncertain. Recently, the uncertainty of life was brought home to me twice. A high school friend of mine, Marty Davis, owned a scrap metal business, and we had recently reconnected after 35 years through Facebook. We planned to get together soon as he was now living in North Carolina. A week later, I learned that a palette of copper had fallen off a forklift truck, killing Marty instantly.

  • A month ago, a member of my Vistage group, Mike, an ex-marine and fit in his 40s, pulled over on I-75, not feeling well. He suffered a major heart attack and was dead by nightfall.

Life is Uncertain, but are we ready for it? In most cases not, even Prince wasn’t, dying with no will, albeit a plethora of advisors surrounded him. However, Uncertainty is more than death; it includes Disability, Divorce, Partner Disputes, Running out of Energy, etc. There is no excuse for not being preparing for Uncertainty! Also, the disregard it shows to your family and employees is undoubtedly not the legacy one wishes to leave. If you are “Sell Ready,” it doesn’t matter in what form Uncertainty arrives, you will be positioned to survive.

So what is Sell Ready? I define Sell Ready as those companies that realize a price higher than their value. As Warren Buffett said, “Price is what you pay, Value is what you get” so for a seller I take that to mean, Price is what you get, and Value is what you give up, i.e. in 2008 at the height of the crises, Ford debt was selling for 35 cents on the dollar – price definitely less than value. On the other hand, HP’s acquisition of Autonomy for $11.1 billion, 79% premium over market price – price exceeding value. If you are Sell Ready, you want to be like the Autonomy shareholders.

I will expand on “Sell Ready” and what that means in future posts, what it is, how to be “Sell Ready,” and the benefits. Stay Tuned.


© 2016 Marc Borrelli All Rights Reserved

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I am sure that many of these entrepreneurs would say that they did plan to sell, hired an investment banker, and went through a process. However, this is the end part of the process and planning needs to start 3+ years in advance to be truly effective. In the sub $100MM market, to maximize the value of a business is not hoping some banker knows a buyer that will pay substantially more, but rather properly preparing the company for sale.

The lack of planning I believe is due to two issues: (i) entrepreneurs don’t fully realize the benefits of planning, and (ii) they don’t look at their business with external objectivity.

Proper planning will:

  • Allow your tax and wealth advisors to minimize your taxes and maximize wealth transfers;

  • Enable you to implement profit improvement measures and show the effect of those to a potential buyer;

  • Ensure that the company has a strategic plan that it is executing, and that the management team knows it, breathes it and lives it;

  • Ensure that your customer base is diverse, and you have developed recurring revenue lines, if possible;

  • Provide the opportunity to ensure that your contracts will allow for a sale and that they are relatively similar; and

  • Allow you to improve the company’s performance, to ensure it is performing in the top quartile of similar businesses.

All of these steps will increase the value to a buyer and increase the net proceeds to the seller. However, they take time to develop, implement and show results. They cannot be done overnight. This is like running a marathon, you can go out and run one, but if you train and work on it, you will do much better, but that takes time. Thus, the planning needs to start well in advance.

Finally, markets operate in cycles, which may not coincide with your plans. As inconvenient as this is, you have no control over market timing and must deal with the market conditions as they occur. Therefore, if the market window closes before the sale is complete, you can either sell at a lower price or wait 6 – 8 years for market conditions to return. To minimize this risk, always run your business as though you are going sell it “tomorrow.” Doing so will allow you to take advantage of market conditions when they occur and maximize your proceeds.


© 2015 Marc Borrelli All Rights Reserved

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